Saturday 26 February 2011

P.S I Love You TOPSHOP Dress.

I am in love with this dress from TOPSHOP and I don't know why, well to start with I had glanced at the dress and thought hmm but then this girl picked it up in the shop just after me who looked like she wore cool stuff but I decided to leave it and have a think, then of course I regretted it later... I think it would look great with a tan, and some boots or maybe sandals hmmm anyway I've got to wait until next friday 'PAYDAY' finally! Then hopefully it will be mine!!

I don't know about anyone else but I have found myself getting a little too excited for summer way to early this year I went shopping on Friday and ended up in Primark and was tempted to buy things such as denim shorts and sunnies but then I just think what's the point when it's only February its quite annoying but I bought myself a floral jumpsuit and have been pairing it with some tights which is nicer than ending up wearing leggings all the time but I did end up buying a beach bag! I find Primark to be slightly disappointing at the moment but it could just be because the shops are in between seasons. Anyway it's Saturday and I have pigged out all day on junk yey... fatty! A relaxing night is in order with my boy tonight me thinks :)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

No Strings Attached.

Emma: Congrats? For what, having sex with you? 
Adam: You did a good job, so... I thought you deserved a balloon. 

Emma: Adam, did you make me a period mix?
Gay Guy: ...That's so romantic.

Last night was Valentines day and I spent it with my favourite person, my boyfriend. We went out last night and had a meal then went to watch No strings attached. I loved it! It was exactly what I expected in a good way. It had a bit of everything in it, it was funny, sad and romantic... a definite must see. Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher were casted perfectly for the roles of Emma and Adam and it just made me feel all clingy afterwards and I hope it doesn't take too long for it to come to DVD. So go see it with your boyfriend, girlfriends, mum... anyone and let me know your thoughts on the film or if you've already seen it??